Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Recount Writing

Today, we finished chapter 1 of "The Worst Best School Year Ever" by Barbara Robinson.

Ask your child to give you a summary of what we've read so far. I guarantee you will want to read it too! :) 

We also discussed recount writing. We used this anchor chart as an example. The sentences were in the incorrect order and the students were asked to arrange the sentences in the correct order. 

We outlined all the things a recount has: 

  • a title
  • a main idea
  • tells about who, what, when, where and why
  • sequence words (first, then, after, next, finally)
  • feelings and thoughts

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Welcome to our classroom blog! Please check this page regularly for important updates, samples of student work, and a glimpse into our daily learning.

Don't forget that reading is homework every night! Our class has signed up for the Sens at School - Read to Succeed program where our nightly reading can turn into amazing prizes. Check out their website for more details.


  • In September and October, our class focused on descriptive writing and making connections. We wrote descriptive paragraphs using the hamburger model about our emotions and the best part of our community. We edited our writing using an editor's checklist. We had to make sure our work had: correct punctuation, correct spelling and capital letters and we also had to make sure our sentence made sense. We had our peers edit our work.
  • We also made text-to-self, text-to-text and to text-to-world connections with books like Amazing Grace, The Lorax, The Great Kapok Tree and Enemy Pie.

  • In November and December, we will be focusing on recount writing and predicting. 

Religion / Family Life

  • In September and October, we focused on belonging, gathering and being created and loved by God. We discussed belonging to our families, the community and to the Catholic Church. We discussed our uniqueness and how we were created in God’s image. We also discussed Jesus’ parables and the importance of prayer. We researched patron saints and discussed their importance to the Catholic Church.
  • In November and December, we will be focusing on Jesus as a Storyteller and the celebration of the Christmas season including advent and epiphany. We will also be focusing on living in relationships.
  • Our class will also be participating in the Shepherds of Good Hope Christmas Shoebox program. We will be collecting items to help homeless men and women in our community. Please check your child’s agenda for a note outlining this program. The deadline for items to be brought to school is December 9th.